Friday, October 3, 2014

Review: Melt by Selene Castrovilla

Melt by Selene Castrovilla


Based on true events, MELT is both a chilling tale of abuse, and a timeless romance. MELT will hit you like a punch in the face, and also seep through the cracks in your soul.

MELT is a brutal love story set against the metaphorical backdrop of The Wizard of Oz (not a retelling). When sixteen year old Dorothy moves to the small town of Highland Park, she meets, and falls for Joey – a “bad boy” who tells no one about the catastrophic domestic violence he witnesses at home. Can these two lovers survive peer pressure, Joey’s reputation, and his alcoholism? 

Told in dual first person, Joey’s words are scattered on the page – reflecting his broken state. Dorothy is the voice of reason – until something so shattering happens that she, too, may lose her grip. Can their love endure, or will it melt away?


*I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

2.5 Stars
Meh. Just Meh. This book was disappointing. I am a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan and so naturally I was allllllll about reading this book. The cover is lovely. I am a knitter and have a yarn dyer friend who does amazing inspirational dyes, and I could totally see her dyeing up something amazing from the cover. Other than the main character's name being Dorothy and some quotes from the story, there was zero parallels between this story and the Wizard of Oz. It was a big let down for me. 

The editing was great, however Joey's "voice" was very distracting and I found myself having to reread his chapters to figure out what the heck he was trying to say. 

Like a bad soap opera, I had to keep reading. Oddly enough, despite Joey's "voice," the story read quickly for me. The ending left me very unsatisfied. The story builds and builds and you think FINALLY justice is going to be served! But no. It ends quite abruptly and I was left feeling all meh. 

So, 2.5 stars, mainly because the editing was great and the story held my attention enough to finish it.

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